People often misinterpret certain zodiac signs viewing them for only their negative traits, but there is more than meets the eye. This is an Astrology series based on the 12 zodiac women portraying beauty through their natural elements and unique personalities. Each zodiac sign portrays an element that they're known for in a way that celebrates their strengths and virtues. t digs into their essence, showing the depth and variety in their personalities. It's all about breaking stereotypes and appreciating what makes each individual special.
This lovely Gemini is holding a second face which represents her Gemini twin. This zodiac sign is known to be communicative and intellectual people with two faces. Often this sign is misunderstood, so I wanted to portray the Gemini clutching her friendly and genuine face in which she shows the world. Meanwhile, she is displaying her actual feelings that she often keeps to herself. This is the first illustration of my Astrology series. This illustration was showcased at the Heath Gallery in New York, N.Y.
This lovely Gemini is holding a second face which represents her Gemini twin. This zodiac sign is known to be communicative and intellectual people with two faces. Often this sign is misunderstood, so I wanted to portray the Gemini clutching her friendly and genuine face in which she shows the world. Meanwhile, she is displaying her actual feelings that she often keeps to herself. This is the first illustration of my Astrology series. This illustration was showcased at the Heath Gallery in New York, N.Y.
The Compassionate Cancer is represented by the crab. Just like a crab they have a tight hold on what they love and often have trouble letting go. I wanted to well incorporate the crab symbol as a head piece in this illustration. While also Portraying soft tones of pink to represent their caring and motherly nature.
The Compassionate Cancer is represented by the crab. Just like a crab they have a tight hold on what they love and often have trouble letting go. I wanted to well incorporate the crab symbol as a head piece in this illustration. While also Portraying soft tones of pink to represent their caring and motherly nature.
This fierce Leo is known for her lion symbol which represents strong, brave, and security. I wanted to present these characteristics through her facial expression and voluminous hair. I also wanted to portray this sign's fiery but warm personality with warm yellow, orange, and red tones.
This fierce Leo is known for her lion symbol which represents strong, brave, and security. I wanted to present these characteristics through her facial expression and voluminous hair. I also wanted to portray this sign's fiery but warm personality with warm yellow, orange, and red tones.
This earth sign is gentle and caring. Virgo is known to be a perfectionist at heart with a down to earth personality. I wanted to portray this sign's characteristics by designing butterflies around her face with green and blue tones throughout the illustration.
This earth sign is gentle and caring. Virgo is known to be a perfectionist at heart with a down to earth personality. I wanted to portray this sign's characteristics by designing butterflies around her face with green and blue tones throughout the illustration.
This enchantress is the queen of balance, and I wanted to display this with her earrings and symmetrical face. The Libra is known for being charming, peacemakers, and well-balanced individuals. Since Libra falls around Halloween season I've included cat ears, but this element was also inspired from the rapper and singer named Doja Cat, who is also a Libra. The warm and dark toned colors represent the Fall season this zodiac sign aligns with.
This enchantress is the queen of balance, and I wanted to display this with her earrings and symmetrical face. The Libra is known for being charming, peacemakers, and well-balanced individuals. Since Libra falls around Halloween season I've included cat ears, but this element was also inspired from the rapper and singer named Doja Cat, who is also a Libra. The warm and dark toned colors represent the Fall season this zodiac sign aligns with.
This Scorpio is known for being mysterious and strong-minded. I wanted to display these characteristics through a dark color scheme of black and burgundy. Their symbol is the Scorpion, so I wanted to represent this with her curved ponytail.  Complex and fascinating, Scorpios are the most intense and passionate from the zodiac signs.
This Scorpio is known for being mysterious and strong-minded. I wanted to display these characteristics through a dark color scheme of black and burgundy. Their symbol is the Scorpion, so I wanted to represent this with her curved ponytail. Complex and fascinating, Scorpios are the most intense and passionate from the zodiac signs.
Mood board

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